
Strength through Adversity

Strength through Adversity

Question: Can you recall a particularly challenging moment in your career and how you navigated through it? "So you know, I recall it's really obvious, 'a particularly challenging moment,' there's been several, but I schedule my day, every day, most to least. So if I...

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Memorable Quotes


"Little things tell you big things."

"I watch my pennies. If you don’t watch your pennies, no one else will."

"I want 'resourceful' in my epitaph.  Leave no rock unturned!"
"Pray to be 'right size.'"
"Tiptoe through the tulips."

Want to know more?

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4953 Vine Street
San Diego, CA 92465

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Workdays at
9:00am – 6:00pm

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(815) 555-5555

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